In 2016, I gave a handful of lectures on Foundations of Computer Science, in the course UiS DAT911, at University of Stavanger.
The book we used throughout this course is Foundations of Computer Science: C Edition, by Alfred V. Aho and Jeffrey D. Ullman (W. H. Freeman and Company, 1995).

Below, you can find my slides for each lecture, and the book chapter they correspond to.

The List Data Model

A first lecture introduces the list data model, with the general paradigm of list as data structure and its operations. Implementation models of list are also described, and finally a couple of special list structures, stacks and queues, are presented.
This lecture corresponds to the chapter 6 of the book.

(If your browser doesn't support slideshowing, you can view it on SlideShare: The List Data Model.)

Patterns, Automata and Regular Expressions

Here, we study the importance of pattern definition and recognition in computer science, via two different yet equivalent paradigms: finite automata and regular expressions.
This lecture corresponds to the chapter 10 of the book.

(If your browser doesn't support slideshowing, you can view it on SlideShare: Patterns, Automata and Regular Expressions.)

Predicate Logic

This lecture presents the core components of predicate logic: formulas, expressions, quantifiers. It also goes through essential notions of interpretations and proofs.
This lecture corresponds to the chapter 14 of the book.

(If your browser doesn't support slideshowing, you can view it on SlideShare: Predicate Logic.)