If this is the answer, what was the question?
The original title of this presentation in Spanish is Si ésta es la respuesta, ¿cuál era la pregunta?. It presents an approach to generate natural language questions from textual snippets and corresponding structured information in general-purpose knowledge bases. I developed this project in the Natural Language Processing course I took...
Semi-supervised learning for word sense disambiguation
The original title of this talk in Spanish is Desambiguación de Palabras Polisémicas mediante Aprendizaje Semi-supervisado. This work made it as an accepted article at the Argentine Symposium of AI, part of the 42nd JAIIO - Argentine Journals of Informatics and Operating Research (JAIIO ‘13), which took place in Córdoba,...
Semi-supervised learning for word sense disambiguation
The original title of this presentation in Spanish is Desambiguación de Palabras Polisémicas mediante Aprendizaje Semi-supervisado. I described my work on identifying and evaluating several aspects of an then-established semi-supervised learning algortihm for word sense disambiguation. This presentation enclosed my work in the Artificial Intelligence course I took in 2012....